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StarForce C++ Obfuscator protects projects compiled with Emscripten

We have released an update for StarForce C++ Obfuscator, and now you can use it to protect projects which are compiled with Emscripten.
Emscripten facilitates compiling of source code written in C or C++ into WebAssembly or JavaScript. Among other opportunities, this can be used to port desktop applications to web browsers without having to rewrite the code. Examples of using Emscripten include the Unreal, Unity and Godot game engines, the SQLite database management system, MeshLab software for image processing, the Bullet physics engine, AutoCAD, Qt, and openFrameworks.
StarForce C++ Obfuscator is a solution for obfuscating source code in C and C++ in order to prevent analysis and modification. One of our clients from the USA was the first to put the latest update to practice. This is how they used StarForce C++ Obfuscator to protect their web-based projects:
  • Software engineers create the source code in С++;
  • StarForce C++ Obfuscator protects the code in С++;
  • Emscripten compiles the obfuscated code into JavaScript;
  • The JavaScript software runs in a web browser.
As a result, you get reliably protected cross-platform software, which can run in any modern web browser.

About StarForce Technologies

StarForce Technologies (www.star-force.com) is a leading vendor of information protection, copy protection and code obfuscation solutions for software, electronic content and audio/video files. Since 2000, StarForce has been successfully developing and implementing its state-of-the-art security solutions, providing copyright and intellectual property protection worldwide. Two of these solutions were transformed into StarForce cloud services: sfcontent.com protects e-Documents against illegal copying and distribution and sfletter.com secures emails.

StarForce is a reliable and responsible Technological Partner for enterprises potentially incurring losses due to cyber-gangs, hackers, software piracy, unauthorized data access and information leaks. StarForce’s customers are Russian Railways, Corel, 1C, Mail.ru, Aeroflot, SUN InBev Russia, AMD Labs, ATC International, MediaHouse, Russobit M, New Disc, Buka, Snowball, 2Play, GFI, CENEGA, Akella, etc.

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