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StarForce Reader for iOS Overview

StarForce Reader for iOS is designed to provide access to PDF / ePub and special protected documents on iOS devices. To download it please visit App Store.

If you uninstall the application from your device, you also remove the license for the protected document. While reinstallation the app on the same device, you need to one more activation to view the protected document.

How it works.


StarForce Reader scans the device for compatible documents. All these documents are added to the application.

The main screen displays the list of all documents that can be opened with StarForce Reader. You need to know that usual PDF and ePub files have preview thumbnail and protected files are marked with a lock icon.

You can sort documents on the main screen by several criteria: by open date, by dowload date, by name, by type. To do this, press Sort. You can also select Protected only to display only protected documents and hide the usual ones.

To return the full list just remove the tick from the previously noted item.

The icons of unread documents are displayed in grey color. After opening grey icons become blue.

Also you can use search to find a needed document by tapping a magnifying glass icon.

StarForce Reader allows to see recently viewed documents for your convenience.

View Document Features

To open table of contents (if there is any) you need to swipe from the left part of the screen to the right.

A table of contents allows to have fast navigation over the document by moving to the needed chapters. To hide it you can use a return swipe from the right to the left or back.

To move to the needed page quickly or to see thumbnails of document pages, you can tap anywhere on the screen. On the right there will be a progress bar and preview thumbnails. To navigate through the pages you just need to swipe your finger up or down the bar depending on which page you want.

As well there is search inside of a document. For it tap a magnifying glass icon on the upper right corner. The search is not case sensitive.

If you click on the link in the text and move to another place in the document, just press Back. This button displays automatically.

Application Menu

To access menu please swipe from the left side to the right at Home page.

You can find there the following links:

Documents Leads to the Home page where you can find a list of available documents.
Browse file system Allows to find documents on the “Documents” folder manually.
Change language Allows to switch to Russian by tapping Ru button.

StarForce Technology offers two web services to protect documents against leakage and illegal distribution.

SFContent.com is a cloud web service to protect documents in different formats and to set different types of access. The protection includes control of access, printing, copying and screen grabbing. The protection is performed online within several minutes.

SFLetter.com is a secured email service which allows to send protected email messages and attachments. There are flexible tools to control access of the protected files even after receiving and opening.

StarForce Reader an be used on any modern device with iOS.


We have released a new version of StarForce Reader for Android
We have released a new version of StarForce Reader for iOS
We have released a new version of StarForce Reader for macOS
We have released a new version of StarForce Reader for Windows
Copy protection of audios and videos for Apple macOS
Data protection on USB